Monday, December 6, 2010

Extraordinary Human Abilities

This list of extraordinary human abilities was inspired The Top 10 Tips to Improve Your Memory when I began thinking about how some people are blessed (or cursed, depending on your point of view) with the ability to recall a scene as if they were looking at a photograph. And how other people can recreate music from memory, such as Mozart’s famed reproduction of Gregorio Allegri’s Miserere after one hearing. What other extraordinary abilities might humans have? I’ve listed nine of the most well understood (i.e. not paranormal or ‘fringe science’) and interesting abilities rated from most common to most interesting and rare. Bear in mind that most of these unusual abilities are genetic and cannot be controlled by the person affected but are an inherent quality of their physical self.

9 Supertasters

People who experience taste with greater intensity than the rest of the population are called supertasters. Having extra fungiform papillae (the mushroom shaped bumps on the tongue that are covered in taste buds) is thought to be the reason why these people have a stronger response to the sensation of taste. Of the five types of taste, sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami, a supertaster generally finds bitterness to be the most perceptible.

Scientists first noticed the differing abilities of people to taste a known compound when a DuPont chemist called Arthur Fox asked people to taste Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC). Some people could taste its bitterness; some couldn’t – whether people could depended on their genetic make-up (a variant of this test is now one of the most common genetic tests on humans). While about 70% of people can taste PTC, two thirds of them are rated as medium and only one third (approximately 25% of the wider population) are supertasters.

Supertasters will often dislike certain foods, particularly bitter ones, such as brussel sprouts, cabbage, coffee, and grapefruit juice. Women, Asians, and Africans are most likely to have the increased number of fungiform papillae that make them supertasters.

8 Absolute pitch

People with absolute pitch are capable of identifying and reproducing a tone without needing a known reference. It is not simply a better ability to hear but the ability to mentally class sounds into remembered categories. Examples of this include identifying the pitch of everyday noises (e.g. horns, sirens, and engines), being able to sing a named note without hearing a reference, naming the tones of a chord, or naming the key signature of a song. Doing any of these is a cognitive act – it requires one to remember the frequency of each tone, be able to label it (e.g. ‘A’, ‘C#’, or ‘F-flat’), and sufficient exposure to the range of sound within each label. Opinions vary as to whether absolute pitch is genetic or a learned ability that is strongly influenced to one’s exposure to music at crucial developmental stages – much like how a child’s ability to identify colors by their frequency depends on the type and level of their exposure to it.

Estimates of the portion of the population having absolute pitch range from 3% of the general population in the US and Europe to 8% of those (from the same areas) who are semi-professional or professional musicians. In music conservatories in Japan however, about 70% of musicians have absolute pitch. Part of the reason for this significantly larger percentage may be because absolute pitch is more common among people who grew up in a tonal (Mandarin, Cantonese, and Vietnamese) or pitch accent (Japanese) language environment. Absolute pitch is also more common in those who are blind from birth, have William’s Syndrome, or have an autism spectrum disorder.

7 Tetrachromacy

Tetrachromacy is the ability to see light from four distinct sources. An example of this in the animal kingdom is the zebrafish (Danio rerio), which can see light from the red, green, blue, and ultraviolet sections of the light spectrum. True tetrachromacy in humans is much rarer however – according to Wikipedia only two possible tetrachromats have been identified.

Humans are normally trichromats, having three types of cone cells that receive light from either the red, green, or blue part of the light spectrum. Each cone can pick up about 100 graduations of color and the brain combines colors and graduations so that there are about 1 million distinguishable hues coloring your world. A true tetrachromat with an extra type of cone between red and green (in the orange range) would, theoretically, be able to perceive 100 million colors.

Like supertasting, tetrachromacy is thought to be much more common in women than men – estimates range from 2 – 3% to 50% of women. Interestingly, colour-blindness in men (much more common than in women) may be inherited from women with tetrachromacy.

6 Echolocation

Echolocation is how bats fly around in dark forests – they emit a sound, wait for the echo to return, and use that sound of the echo in each ear plus the return time to work out where an object is and how far away. Surprisingly (well, maybe not on this list!), humans are also capable of using echolocation. Use of echolocation is probably restricted to blind people because it takes a long time to master and heightened sensitivity to reflected sound.

To navigate via echolocation a person actively creates a noise (e.g. tapping a cane or clicking the tongue) and determines from the echoes where objects are located around them. People skilled at this can often tell where an object is, what size it is, and its density. Because humans cannot make or hear the higher pitched frequencies that bats and dolphins use they can only picture objects that are comparatively larger than those ‘seen’ by echolocating animals.

People with the ability to echolocate include James Holman, Daniel Kish, and Ben Underwood. Perhaps the most remarkable and well-documented of cases is the story of Ben Underwood, who lost both his eyes to retinal cancer at the age of three. He is shown in the video above (warning: the scene where he puts in his prosthetic eyeballs may be a bit disturbing for some).

5 Genetic Chimerism

In the Iliad Homer described a creature having body parts from different animals, a chimera, from this mythological monster comes the name of the genetic equivalent – chimerism. Genetic chimerism, or tetragametism, in humans and other animals happens when two fertilized eggs or embryos fuse together early in pregnancy. Each zygote carries a copy of its parents DNA and thus a distinct genetic profile. When these merge, each population of cells retains its genetic character and the resulting embryo becomes a mixture of both. Essentially, a human chimera is their own twin.

Chimerism in humans is very rare; Wikipedia states that there are only about 40 reported cases. DNA testing is often used to establish whether a person is biologically related to their parents or children and can uncover cases of chimerism when DNA results show that children are not biologically related to their mothers – because the child inherited a different DNA profile to the one shown by a blood test. This is what happened in the case of Lydia Fairchild: DNA tests of herself and her children led the state to think that she was not actually their mother.

People born with chimerism typically have immune systems that make them tolerant to both genetically distinct populations of cells in their body. This means that a chimera has a much wider array of people to choose from should they need an organ transplant.

4 Synesthesia

Imagine consistently associating numbers or letters with certain colours, or hearing a specific word which triggers a particular sensation of taste on your tongue. These are two forms of a neurological condition called synesthesia. Synesthesia is when stimulation of a particular sensory or cognitive pathway leads to an involuntary (i.e. synesthesia is not learnt) response in other sensory or cognitive pathways.

Synesthesia is most often genetic and the grapheme (letters, numbers, or other symbols) to colour form of synesthesia is the commonest. Other synesthetes can experience special-sequence synesthesia (e.g. where dates have a precise location in space), ordinal linguistic personification (when numbers have personalities), or sound to colour synesthesia (where tones are perceived as colours).

Although synesthesia is a neurological condition it shouldn’t be thought of as a disorder, because generally it does not interfere with a person’s ability to function. Most people are not even aware that their experiences of life elicit more sensory responses than other peoples might and the ones that are rarely consider synesthesia to have a negative impact on their lives.

Predictions of the percentage of people with synesthesia vary widely, from 1 in 20 to 1 in 20,000. Studies from 2005 and 2006, using a random population sample, suggested 1 in about 23 people have synesthesia. Examples of people with synesthesia include the author Vladimir Nabokov, composer Olivier Messiaen, and scientist Richard Feynman. Daniel Tammet, who is mentioned in the next section of this list, is a synesthete (in addition to being a mental calculator) who sees numbers with shapes and texture.

3 Mental calculators

The most extraordinary group of people adept at performing complex mental calculations is those who are also autistic savants. While there are many trained people who can work out multiplications of large numbers (among other calculations) in their head extremely fast – mostly mathematicians, writers, and linguists – the untrained ability of autistic savants is the most interesting. The majority of these people are born with savant syndrome (only an estimated 50% of people with savantism are also autistic), which is still poorly understood, few develop it later in life, usually due to a head injury.

There are less than 100 recognised prodigious savants in the world and of the savants with autism who are capable of using mental calculation techniques there are even less. Recent research has suggested that a blood flow to the part of the brain responsible for mathematical calculations of six to seven times the normal rate is one of the factors that enables mental calculators to work out math much faster than the average person.

Examples of people with extraordinary calculation skills include Daniel McCartney, Salo Finkelstein, and Alexander Aitken. Daniel Tammet is one of few who are also autistic savants.

2 Eidetic memory

When a person has photographic memory or total recall this is called eidetic memory. It is the ability to recall sounds, images, or objects from one’s memory with extreme accuracy. Examples of eidetic memory include the effort of Akira Haraguchi who recited from memory the first 100,000 decimal places of pi and the drawings of Stephen Wiltshire (who is also an autistic savant) – his recreation of Rome is shown in the video above. Kim Peek, the inspiration for the autistic (Peek is not actually autistic though) character of Raymond Babbit in the movie Rainman, also possesses eidetic memory – among other things he can recall some 12,000 books from memory.

Whether true photographic memory exists in adults is still a controversial issue, but it is accepted that eidetic abilities are distributed evenly between men and women. One also cannot become an eidetiker through practice.

1 Immortal cells

There is only one known case of a person having immortal cells (cells that can divide indefinitely outside of the human body, defying the Hayflick Limit) and that is of a woman named Henrietta Lacks. In 1951, 31 year old Henrietta Lacks was diagnosed with cervical cancer, which she died from within the year. Unknown to her and her family (i.e. without informed consent) a surgeon took a tissue sample from her tumor that was passed on to a Dr. George Gey. A scientist for the John Hopkins University Tissue Culture Laboratory, Gey propagated Lacks’ tissue sample into an immortal cell line – the HeLa cell line (pictured above). The cells from Lacks’ tumour have an active version of the telomerase enzyme (telomerase is the mechanism by which cells age or are aged) and proliferate abnormally fast. On the day of Henrietta Lacks’ death, Dr. Gey announced to the world that a new age in medical research had begun – one that might provide a cure for cancer.

HeLa cells were utilised in 1954 by Jonas Salk to develop the cure for polio. Since then they’ve been used in researching cancer, AIDS, the effects of radiation and toxic substances, and for mapping genes, among other things.

Today, the HeLa cells are so common in laboratories that they contaminate many other cell cultures and have rendered some biological studies invalid through their presence. There are also more HeLa cells alive today than when Henrietta Lacks was alive – they outweigh her physical mass by many times. Tragically, Lacks was never told of the immensely valuable contribution her cells made to science and her family was not informed until many years later that her cells were being used for research purposes (a 1990 court ruling later verified Lacks’ hospital as the owner of her discarded tissue and cells). I highly recommend reading this story for a better picture of Henrietta Lacks’ life and the consequences of her cancer.

The Unique Trees have ever

Matthew Fox once said – “If you look closely at a tree you’ll notice its knobs and dead branches, just like our bodies. What we learn is that beauty and imperfection go together wonderfully.”


Trees are important components of the natural landscape and a wonderful living organism which gives shelter, food, warmth and protection to all living things. Though common trees are fascinating immensely but there are some of the more unusual and amazing tree specimens found in the world which is weird and spectacular, yet people are hardly aware of their mysterious properties, strange sizes or unusual shapes. Here are some which top the list of being the strangest trees found on the planet. It’s a treat to t
he eye!


Axel Erlandson’s passion for sculpting trees, also known as arborsculpture, led him to open a horticulture attraction in 1947 near Santa Cruz, California named The Circus Tree and people flocked in from all over the country to view his strange and striking creations which are nothing short of breathtaking! Using a special set of skills, Erlandson started to sculpt things out of living, growing trees. One such tree is the famous “Basket Tree”. which is actually six Sycamores grafted together in 42 different connections to give it its basket shape.


It’s the largest cashew tree in the world and more like a root and bush than a tree covering a span of 8,500 square meters alone! This tree is probably 300 feet by 300 feet in total. It looks like a forest and a bears 8000 fruit in a year .This picture doesn’t do it justice but should give you an idea of the enormity.


The Tree of Life in Bahrain is one of the mysteries of world which is bound to be in the list of most unusual trees aroung the globe! This four century old mesquite tree survives in the midst of desert without availability of water. The mystery of the survival of the tree has made it a legend and the name “tree of life” is absolutely appropriate for the tree, truly representing the magic of life. A legend is also attached to the site where the tree is located. The local inhabitants believe with heart and soul that this was the actual location of the Garden of Eden.


Next is the Chapel Tree one of the most famous trees in France – actually, it’s more than just a tree: it’s a building and a religious monument all in one. In 1669, l’Abbe du Detroit and du Cerceau decided to build a chapel in (at that time) a 500 years old or so oak tree made hollow by a lightning bolt. Now, parts of the tree are dead, the crown keeps becoming smaller and smaller every year, and parts of the tree’s bark, which fell off due to old age, are covered by protective oak shingles. As a symbol, however, it seems that the Chapel-Oak of Allouville-Bellefosse may live on forever.


Baobabs, with their distinctive shape, are one of the most charismatic group of trees in the world. This particular specimen, located in Madagascar, is referred to as the ‘Teapot Baobab’. These trees remain leafless for most part of the year, and their thick, bloated, fire-resistant trunks store water during the dry months. One would be surprised to find that some baobab trunks are so large that people actually reside inside them!


General Sherman is about 2500years old tree with a height of 275 feet (83.8 metres), located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in the United States. In January 2006 the largest branch on the tree broke off. The breakage, however, could not change the General Sherman’s status as the largest tree! This stunning tree has the base of its trunk measuring about 102 feet in circumference. Witnesses to this spectacular creation of nature can only justify its stature!


Ta Prohm Temple or the Jungle Temple which is located in the Angkor Thom complex has trees growing here in the most astounding way. Words cannot describe it until you set foot there and see it for yourself. Apparently, the place was left as is over the hundreds of years and the outcome is amazing from what you see now in the place which is also called Angkor Archaeological Park. On every side, in fantastic over-scale, the trunks of the silk-cotton trees soar skywards under a shadowy green canopy, their long spreading skirts trailing the ground and their endless roots coiling more like reptiles than plants.


Mexico’s most famous tree, the ginormous Tule Tree (Arbol del Tule) grows near Oaxaca City. It may not be the largest or the oldest tree in the world, but it has no contenders for widest girth award which is abround 164 feet in circumference.It’s best not to look at the tree as a single icon. Indeed there is a family of ancient trees. Rooted in the town of Santa María del Tule, the Tule Tree and its environs comprise a unique natural monument.


The Dragon Tree is found at de los Vinos in Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands, and is said to be between 650 and 1,500 years old. This specimen inherited this name from mythical origins: Hercules had to bring back three golden apples from the garden of the Hespérides, which is guarded by Landon, the hundred-headed dragon. Hercules killed Landon and his blood flowed out over the land, which began to sprout ‘dragon’ trees. The tree exudes ‘dragon’s blood’ – a red sap – when cut.


The unique qualities of the Wollemi Pine lie not in its looks but in its history. It is a “living dinosaur”, and was nearly extinct before it was discovered in Sydney, Australia in 1994. Now called “the crown jewels of the botanical world”, the Wollemi pine had previously been known only from a 120-million-year-old fossil. Very few exist in the wild, but conservation efforts have been made in the recent past.
These strange trees have been molded by Mother Nature into species of their own. Shocking, downright weird or seemingly beautiful, the trees amassed in this collection will leave you to ponder on wondrous creation the Almighty!

Saturday, November 20, 2010



1. Every person has cancer cells.
These cancer cells do not
appear in the standard until this sel2 breed
to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that
"There are no more cancer cells after treatment, it means
the tests are unable to detect the cancer sel2
because sel2 it was under the size that can be
2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in
person's lifetime.
3. At high person's immune system, cancer sel2
will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and
form tumors.
4. When a person has cancer it indicates the
person has multiple nutritional deficiencies.
This can
be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle.
5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, and strengthen
the immune system by changing the diet (I eat)
and supplements.
6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells, but
at the same time also destroy healthy cell growth in
bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tracts (gastrointestinal tract), etc., and
can cause damage to other organ2, such as liver, kidney,
heart, etc. paru2.
7. Radiation while the function
destroying cancer cells also burns, leaving
scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.
8. Early treatment with chemotherapy and radiation can
reduce tumor size. But the application of chemotherapy and radiation
prolonged tumor will not result in further reductions.
9. When the body has too much toxic burden from
chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is compromised or
destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections
and complications.
10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate
and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also
cause cancer cells to spread to other tempat2.
11. Effective way to battle cancer is to make it
hunger, that is by not giving the foods it needs
in the cells to multiply
* Sugar. By cutting the sugar in food intake that means
eliminate cancer cells and primary food. Sugar substitutes such as
NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is
dangerous. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or
molasses but only in small amounts. Table salt contains material
chemical additives to make it white. Better alternative
Bragg's aminos or sea salt.
* Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the
gastro-intestinal tract (digestive tract). Feeds on mucus
cancer. By eliminating milk and replace it with soy milk
(Without sugar) cancer cells are being starved.
* Sel2 cancer thrive in an environment of high
acid. Meat-based diet is acidic. By
because it is best to eat fish, a little chicken rather than beef
or pork. Meat also contains antibiotics, growth hormones and
parasit2 for livestock. Which are all harmful, especially
for people with cancer.
* A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice (juice),
whole grains, kacang2an and a little fruits help put the
body in an alkaline environment. 20% of the percentage had to be taken
from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juice
enzim2 contain active / living that can be absorbed easily and
provider can reach a point within 15 minutes to feed
and accelerate the growth of healthy sel2. To obtain active enzim2
for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (almost all
vegetables including
bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2-3 times a day. Enzim2
are destroyed at temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius.
* Avoid coffee, tea and chocolate, contains caffeine
high. The green is a better alternative, and have
unsur2 the fight against cancer. Water, the most excellent, in water
already in the filter (filtered) in order to avoiding racun2 and metal kandungan2
in tap water. Avoid water that has passed the distillation process
because it contains acid.
* Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires the enzyme
a lot of digestive. The content of the meat that is not digested and
left in the digestive tract will eventually rot and add
toxic pile.
* Walls sel2 cancer have a strong membrane proteins.
By avoiding foods containing meat, the body requires much
fewer enzymes to digest food, so most
enzymes can attack the protein walls of cancer and further sel2
allows the body to destroy sel2 sel2 cancer.
* Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6,
Ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, etc. EFAS)
making it possible to destroy a healthy body sel2 sel2
cancer. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause
apoptosis, or programmed cell death, ie natural methods of body
to discard sel2 of damaged, unwanted, or not
* Cancer is a disease of the mind, body and
soul. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer
to recover. Anger, unable to forgive, and bitterness
body into a tense situation and high acid levels.
Learning for the gentle and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and
enjoy life.
* Cancer cells can not thrive in an environment of high
oxygen. Exercising every day and inhaled breath can dalam2
help the intake of oxygen in the mobile phase. Oxygen therapy is
another means employed to destroy cancer sel2.
Do not use plastic containers in microwave
1. Do not enter a water bottle into the freezer
2. No plastic wrap in microwave
Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in
newsletters. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army
Medical Center.
Dioxins are chemicals that cause cancer, especially
breast cancer. Dioxins are also high levels of toxins in the body for sel2
Do not freeze plastic bottles with water in it because of this
release the content of dioxin contained in the plastic.
This Baru2 Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at the Hospital
Castle, was on a TV program to explain the dangers
These health. He explained should not heat the food
in the microwave using plastic place.
Especially for foods that contain fat.
He also said
that the combination of fat, high heat and plastics releases dioxin into
in food that eventually will enter into sel2 body. He
calls for heating food in the microwave with a Corning Ware,
Pyrex or ceramic. Paper is not bad but you do not
know what is on paper. It's safer to use in produk2
above. He reminds us that some time ago a fast-
food switching from foam to paper products. It also caused
because of dioxin.
He also pointed out that plastic wrap, such as advice, as well
dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in
microwave. High heat can cause toxic zat2 melt
and drip into the food. Cover food with a paper towel
Cancer is not a mild disease. The first step in cancer treatment is detection correctly that the symptoms that appear on the patient's body is truly malignant cancer cells. This detection can be done by examination of biopsy, so that the treatment step can be performed quickly and accurately.
The next step is a therapeutic treatment with the conventional way. But in fact this way of treatment of cancer often can not be solved in total. Here, the role of medicinal plants / herbs.
The primary role of herbs is to increase body resistance of patients and localized kaker cells so that cancer cells do not easily spread, and more easily removed, also not toxic so it is more safe for the patient's body. An example is a medicinal plant extracts from rat taro (Typhonium flagelliforme). In use, these herbs can be used in conjunction with conventional treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormonterapi) or after conventional treatment has been completed. Because the drug from rat taro extract can help reduce the effects of conventional treatment.
The number of cancer patients in Indonesia is not yet known for certain, but increased from year to year can be proved as one cause of death. Only a few cancers that can be treated satisfactorily, especially if treated while still early stages. Treatment success is determined by the type of cancer, stage of cancer, patient's general condition, and efforts to heal patients
What is cancer?
Cancer is a disease caused by the growth of body tissue cells that are not normal. Cancer cells will grow rapidly, uncontrollably, and will continue to divide, then infiltrate into surrounding tissues (invasive) and continue to spread through the connective tissue, blood, and the attack vital organs and spinal cord. Under normal circumstances, cells will divide only if there are replacement cells that have died and broken. Instead cancer cells will divide continues even if the body does not need it, so it will happen accumulation of new cells, called malignant tumors.
Stacking the cells are urgent and damage normal tissue, thus disturbing the organs they occupy. Cancer can occur in various tissues in various organs in each body, from feet to head. When cancer occurs on the surface of the body, will be easily detected and treated. But if there is in the body, the cancer will be difficult to know and sometimes - sometimes have no symptoms. If symptoms occur, they usually have an advanced stage that it is difficult to treat.
Differences Tumor and Cancer
There are two kinds of tumors are benign and malignant tumors. Benign tumors only grow and expand, not too dangerous, and did not spread beyond the network. While malignant tumors are cancers that grow rapidly and uncontrolled and damaging other tissue

To know the history of frozen foods that we eat

Frozen food industry itself began to be known thanks to Clarence Birdeye. Clarence Originally inspired by the Inuit Indians who always managed to make the process of freezing fish. Clarence Birdeye

After long study, Clarence finally managed to mimic the freezing process. He also tried it with other foods, like meat, chicken, and of course fish.
Clarence remarkable discovery was welcomed by American society. Because, thanks to their findings do not bother anymore to cook. In addition, the invention Clarence step further than existing traditional clotting time. Because, by Clarence freezing produces little ice.
Conscious of his findings to positive reception, Clarence immediately tried to make a culinary adventure that became patent. After getting a patent, he then sold to food company General Foods Corporation.
Top of this achievement, Clarence Babcock Hart Award was awarded in 1949 by the Institute of Food Technologies. In 2003, his name is enshrined in the Food Engineering Hall of Fame.
Technical Pengaweta
So really, how do Clarence preservation technique? The process of preservation done in three ways. First, using a temperature slightly below room temperature and above the temperature of 15 ° C. Second, preservation with temperature 40-10 ° C, and final preservation with temperatures below 0 ° C.
Preserving the three types of low temperature process is aimed at inhibiting the growth of microorganisms causing decay and damage. However, it does not mean the use of low temperatures may inhibit its growth course. This process resulted in decreased microbial population, though still found in small quantities. This is due to protein damage of cells or an increase of microbial concentration in the cell.
Because microbes can not be destroyed entirely, it is important to properly clean the food product prior to freezing. During frozen storage, the damage was minor nutrients or not damaged at all. The decline was much smaller than storage at room temperature
Types of Food Freezing
This type of freezing is divided into two groups, namely rapid freezing (quick freezing) and slow freezing (slow freezing). Rapid freezing (quick freezing)
Products are frozen in this manner has a delicate ice crystals. When thawed, the water formed will be reabsorbed by the network of food and only a few who escaped into water droplets.
Slow freezing (slow freezing)
This process will produce ice crystals are large and sharp that would qualify as a drop of water at the time of disbursement. These water droplets will cause more nutrients and reduce wasted food nutrient content
How to Select Product Frozen?
Maybe, frozen food can be a solution for you who do not want too much trouble in cooking. But, do not easily satisfied first. You should know what this food shortage. Although durable, the frozen food product has an a time-saving equipment adau storability. So, at a certain time period the product is acceptable, whether it's color, flavor, texture, and shape. This is known as a high quality life. Usually, food containing high fat will save helpless shorter than a low-fat.
So how to determine a good choice of frozen food? When choosing, you will usually find two types of frozen food that is in the packaging and outside packaging or bulk.
You must realize, frozen packaged food has many advantages over bulk. Although it is much more expensive, frozen food packaging has better quality because the storage of these products are protected from the evaporation of water on the surface.
Conversely, if the product is stored at freezing temperatures without packaging or wrapping, will cause oxidation damage caused by activities that reduce the nutritional value of frozen products.
So, if you want to buy the bulk product, use the tool when shooting, do not come into contact with the hand. Arriving at home, immediately put in the freezer for long-lasting.
Another thing you need to look at is better not to use dry ice when carried home, and you should not buy if the product already being felt soft.
Another important factor in the freezing and storage temperature fluctuation is. If during the process of freezing temperatures fluctuate, the quality of frozen food products are also changing. For example, speckle food stored in the freezer, then transferred to the fridge, will melt and no longer durable.
Ideally, frozen foods stored at -20 ° C. books In the closet supermarket, the temperature around -10 ° C to -12 ° C. Therefore, do the shopping the frozen food products at the end before you to the cashier. Once home, immediately put into freezer
Ready Dining. There are two types of frozen food, namely ice cream and ice puter.
Bake in Advance. Pizza dough, frozen sponge cake, apple pie, and several types of croissants.
Must Fried. Donat, various nuggets, spicy rings, and french fries.
Steamed. Assorted Dimsum steamed and monitor.
Boil. Assorted meatballs, be it seafood, chicken, and beef.
Flush With Warm Water. Mix vegetables and frozen fruit such as raspberries and cranberry.Apa Frozen Product Benefits?

Processing is simpler because the product is "clean"

Ensuring availability of supplies throughout the year. With a relatively long shelf life, even seasonal products can be available throughout the year, whenever necessary.

Prices are relatively cheap, especially for seasonal products are frozen at harvest time when prices are low so prices are relatively cheap compared to fresh products.

More consistent quality

More security is assured because of frozen food in a fresh condition.

Value Nutrition and Taste
Admittedly, the freezing process will lower nutritional value than fresh ingredients, especially rich in vitamins and other components that are sensitive to processing a raw material. But there are things that draw from the findings reported from Japan.
One of his research on vitamin C content of a type of vegetable shows, the content of vitamin C due to the freezing process is higher than fresh vegetables. For taste, the results of studies of several panelists who selected shows, very few consumers are able to recognize correctly processed food made from fresh or frozen product materials. A somewhat different results with the allegations over the years, food from the frozen product memunyai lower taste of the food prepared from fresh ingredients.
It can be concluded, the type and manner of food preparation seems to be having a big hand in determining the taste of a dish ... if processing / handling exactly the quality of frozen products will be good.
In the world of food technology, namely a change of image reezeburn taste, discoloration, loss of nutrients and changes the texture of frozen food will quickly occur if food is stored at temperatures above minus 9 ° C.
To obtain the best results from a frozen food, storage temperature should be kept constant and may not be higher than minus 17 ° C, and should be followed with good packaging or packaging standards for frozen food.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

8 properties of coconut water

1. Coconut milk is more nutritious than whole milk (whole milk) because it contains no cholesterol and low fat.

2. Coconut water can improve blood circulation and is known to cleanse the digestive tract.

3. Coconut water will not only make your immune system is better, but also helps the body fight some types of viruses that cause disease.

4. If you suffer from kidney stones, make it a habit to drink coconut water regularly. Drinking coconut water will be helping with kidney stones and make it easier to break them out of the body.

5. Coconut water is also known since long ago to cure a urinary tract disorder? A glass of coconut water will relieve pain due to difficulty urinating.

6. If you're still feeling a hangover, no one can recover quickly in addition to consuming coconut water.

7. Tender coconut water that tastes very rich in electrolytes and potassium. Potassium can help the body regulate blood pressure and cardiac function

8. Coconut water can accelerate the increase trombosite for patients with DHF and reduce fever. Platelets down as it is used to prevent bleeding, because of high fever resulting in blood coagulation, and the pores enlarged blood vessels

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

7 The Invention of the Many Causes Death

1. Atomic Bomb

Atomic bomb is one type of nuclear reaction and has a tremendous destructive power. A bomb could destroy a city. Nuclear weapons have been used only twice in battle.

During World War II by the United States against Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the victim as much as 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki by the end of 1945. At that time the yield atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by 20 thousand tons.

While the atomic bomb explosive now more than 70 million tons. The period of fissile material (enriched uranium or plutonium) is designed to reach Supercritical mass.

To form a chain reaction is by crashing a sub-critical material to other grains (the "gun" method), or by compressing a sub-critical sphere material using chemical explosives to reach the level of density several times the original value. (The "implosion" method).

2. TNT (Trinitrotoluene)

Trinitrotoluene (TNT, or Trotyl) is a crystalline pale yellow aromatic hydrocarbons which melt at a temperature of 354 K (178 ° F, 81 ° C). Trinitrotoluene is an explosive ingredient used alone or mixed, for example in Torpex, Tritonal, Composition B or Amatol. TNT was prepared with toluene nitration C6H5CH3; chemical formula C6H2 (NO2) 3CH3, and IUPAC name 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene.


Guillotine became famous in the French Revolution. Guillotine name is taken from the name of Joseph Ignace Guillotin (1738 - 1814), the person who first suggested this tool as a means of execution.

On April 25, 1792, Nicolas Jacques Pelletier was the first victim of the guillotine. In total the French Revolution tens of thousands of people were executed. In Paris alone, an estimated 40,000 people have been killed by guillotine, including King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette.

Guillotine is designed to create an execution semanusiawi probably by blocking the pain as much as possible. Defendant ordered to sleep on his stomach and neck is placed in between two wooden beams in the middle where there is a hole where the fall of the knife. At a height of 7 meters, a knife dropped by the executioner and the head of the defendant fell on a basket in front.

Beheading by guillotine only lasted a few seconds. Execution by guillotine at the time it became a public spectacle, but then guillotine put in jail because it is considered cruel.

The last defendant sentenced to death by this tool are Hamida Djandoubi. He was executed in Marseille on 10 September 1977.

4. Automatic Rifle

General Manuel Mondragon create the world's first automatic rifle in 1887. Some of his descendants is the AK-47, M16A1, and M-14. Especially for the AK-47, this weapon is the type most widely used by terrorists.

5. Agent Orange

Agent Orange was the nickname given to herbicides and defolian used by the United States military in war herbicides (herbicidal warfare) in Vietnam 1961 to 1971.

Tong-tong-sized orange-striped 55 gallons U.S., approximately 1:1 mixture of two phenoxy herbicides in ester form, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T).

When sprayed on broad-leaf plants, they stimulate rapid growth and uncontrolled, and finally shed their leaves.

When sprayed on crops such as wheat or corn, it will selectively kill only plants that broadleaf weeds in a field and let the other plants relatively unaffected.

Imagine if exposed to humans, Agent Orange can cause the risk of various types of cancer and genetic defects.

6. Freon / CFCs

Scientist Thomas Midgley discovered freon CFC in 1930. Manufacture of CFCs was stopped in 1995 because of damage to the ozone layer caused by CFCs.

Once banned CFC use, widespread use of ammonia, followed by propane and butane that are less corrosive, also isobutana currently widely used.

Other types of fluid that can be used sebaga the refrigerant is carbon dioxide, hydrogen, helium, and nitrogen. Generally used in the industry that provides cooling technology that uses these gases.

7. Sarin Gas

In 1938, German chemist Dr Gerhard Schrader discovered the first sarin gas. Currently, sarin classified as weapons of mass destruction by the UN.

Sarin attacks the nervous system, initially only causes runny nose and tightness in the chest and the victim had difficulty breathing, became nauseated, and began to salivate.

The victim continues to lose control of all bodily functions, followed by seizures convulsions and coma. If an antidote is not given quickly then the victim will die tragically.

10 benefits of good food to be consumed

One of the sayings of ancient Greek physician named Hippocrates was so popular in the medical world is to let food into obatmu. For years, nutrition experts conducted a study to identify the nutritional benefits of certain foods. They studied proteins, carbohydrates, calories, fats, minerals and vitamins to determine health benefits for the human body.
Here are some foods that provide many benefits for your body
1. Honey
Research shows that honey contains antibacterial and antiviral. Studies over the mention of honey useful for wound healing and good for digestive health.
2. Green Tea
Research shows that green tea helps reduce the risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease. Green tea is also believed to help prevent type two diabetes and osteoporosis, and relieve inflammation of the intestine.
3. Walnuts
Eating 1.5 ounces of walnuts every day can be a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
4. Blueberry
Is one of the fruits with high antioxidant levels. The content of substance in it to help slow down aging, reduce the risk of diabetes, lower cholesterol, improve motor skills, and support urinary health and eyesight. Blueberries also have anti-inflammatory properties.
5. Pomegranate
As a fruit rich in antioxidants, a study showed that pomegranate helps reduce the risk of heart disease and lowering blood pressure. In fact, help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of certain cancers.
6. Spices
Cinnamon helps lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar. Ginger helps to improve digestive health, and contains anti-inflammatory. Benefits of ginger for the prevention of cancer is also being studied. While anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric is believed to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease and reduce the risk of cancer.
7. Yogurt
The best thing is plain yogurt. The content of calcium, magnesium, Vitamin B-2 & B-12, and probiotics are known as good bacteria in the gut, digestive system healthy and beneficial immunity. Regular consumption of yogurt is also believed to help lower cholesterol.
8. Dark chocolate
Type of brown offers good benefits for the cardiovascular system as well as protection from cancer. Not only that, eating dark chocolate can also generate a good mood for the emotional and mental health.
9. Salmon
Salmon rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, low calorie, low saturated fat, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Salmon health benefits including prevention of diabetes, Alzheimer's, cancer and cardiovascular system healthy.
10. Broccoli
Broccoli is full of vitamins like folic acid, vitamin A, B6 and K. Minerals such as calcium and potassium make it more healthy. Broccoli is considered a healing food that is activated by the phytochemicals indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane, helps fight cancer.