Atomic bomb is one type of nuclear reaction and has a tremendous destructive power. A bomb could destroy a city. Nuclear weapons have been used only twice in battle.

During World War II by the United States against Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the victim as much as 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki by the end of 1945. At that time the yield atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by 20 thousand tons.
While the atomic bomb explosive now more than 70 million tons. The period of fissile material (enriched uranium or plutonium) is designed to reach Supercritical mass.
To form a chain reaction is by crashing a sub-critical material to other grains (the "gun" method), or by compressing a sub-critical sphere material using chemical explosives to reach the level of density several times the original value. (The "implosion" method).
2. TNT (Trinitrotoluene)

Trinitrotoluene (TNT, or Trotyl) is a crystalline pale yellow aromatic hydrocarbons which melt at a temperature of 354 K (178 ° F, 81 ° C). Trinitrotoluene is an explosive ingredient used alone or mixed, for example in Torpex, Tritonal, Composition B or Amatol. TNT was prepared with toluene nitration C6H5CH3; chemical formula C6H2 (NO2) 3CH3, and IUPAC name 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene.
Guillotine became famous in the French Revolution. Guillotine name is taken from the name of Joseph Ignace Guillotin (1738 - 1814), the person who first suggested this tool as a means of execution.

On April 25, 1792, Nicolas Jacques Pelletier was the first victim of the guillotine. In total the French Revolution tens of thousands of people were executed. In Paris alone, an estimated 40,000 people have been killed by guillotine, including King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette.
Guillotine is designed to create an execution semanusiawi probably by blocking the pain as much as possible. Defendant ordered to sleep on his stomach and neck is placed in between two wooden beams in the middle where there is a hole where the fall of the knife. At a height of 7 meters, a knife dropped by the executioner and the head of the defendant fell on a basket in front.
Beheading by guillotine only lasted a few seconds. Execution by guillotine at the time it became a public spectacle, but then guillotine put in jail because it is considered cruel.
The last defendant sentenced to death by this tool are Hamida Djandoubi. He was executed in Marseille on 10 September 1977.
4. Automatic Rifle

General Manuel Mondragon create the world's first automatic rifle in 1887. Some of his descendants is the AK-47, M16A1, and M-14. Especially for the AK-47, this weapon is the type most widely used by terrorists.
5. Agent Orange
Agent Orange was the nickname given to herbicides and defolian used by the United States military in war herbicides (herbicidal warfare) in Vietnam 1961 to 1971.
Tong-tong-sized orange-striped 55 gallons U.S., approximately 1:1 mixture of two phenoxy herbicides in ester form, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T).

When sprayed on broad-leaf plants, they stimulate rapid growth and uncontrolled, and finally shed their leaves.
When sprayed on crops such as wheat or corn, it will selectively kill only plants that broadleaf weeds in a field and let the other plants relatively unaffected.
Imagine if exposed to humans, Agent Orange can cause the risk of various types of cancer and genetic defects.
6. Freon / CFCs
Scientist Thomas Midgley discovered freon CFC in 1930. Manufacture of CFCs was stopped in 1995 because of damage to the ozone layer caused by CFCs.

Once banned CFC use, widespread use of ammonia, followed by propane and butane that are less corrosive, also isobutana currently widely used.
Other types of fluid that can be used sebaga the refrigerant is carbon dioxide, hydrogen, helium, and nitrogen. Generally used in the industry that provides cooling technology that uses these gases.
7. Sarin Gas
In 1938, German chemist Dr Gerhard Schrader discovered the first sarin gas. Currently, sarin classified as weapons of mass destruction by the UN.

Sarin attacks the nervous system, initially only causes runny nose and tightness in the chest and the victim had difficulty breathing, became nauseated, and began to salivate.
The victim continues to lose control of all bodily functions, followed by seizures convulsions and coma. If an antidote is not given quickly then the victim will die tragically.
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