According to China's medical science, the face is the window of our health conditions. Forehead, nose, chin, cheek to the right or left, each zone provides clues about the health condition of the body. Doctor Maoshing Ni, a special Health Expert cholesterol through his writings on Yahoo said that if we want to know the condition of our health, read the codes that appear on our faces.
Forehead associated with fire element which can be associated with heart, intestinal tissue in the body, and mind and soul. When reviewing the forehead, examine whether there are visible redness or discoloration of veins. It can indicate problems with the heart.Change the color of the forehead can also be caused by emotional conditions such as heart broken or lost. They are often experiencing emotional problems will be seen lined up on the section between the eyebrows.
Heart attacks can be indicated a change in a bluish green color on the forehead. If you experience discoloration on the forehead, followed by palpitations, headache, shortness of breath, a sense of tingling or saikt on the left hand, immediately visit the doctor or emergency room immediately cardiologist.
Noses associated with soil elements that indicate the relationship with the stomach, spleen and pancreas tissue. Symptoms of the problem on the parts, usually seen with the pimple on the tip or side of the nose. Go back and check the food consumed yesterday. Are you eating too much spicy, fried, fatty, or containing chocolate? if the answer is yes, your menu choice to be the cause. As a result, you experience digestive problems, constipation, or diarrhea.
Excessive stress can also cause broken capillaries on the nose or cause redness of the nose. Those who have a stressful lifestyle are encouraged to do meditation or other techniques that can relieve stress.
Chin associated with the element of water that can be associated with the state of the kidney and bladder tissue, including the hormonal and glandular system. Acne is constantly arising in the vicinity chin showed an unstable hormones. Generally, the problem was caused by the production of estrogen or testosterone overload and tend to be followed by irregular menstrual pattern in women and prostate symptoms in men.
Notice also the area of the upper lip associated with the state of the uterus and ovaries in women and prostate and the male sex. The existence of a horizontal line in the upper lip or color changes may indicate infertility or problems like cyst contents.
Based on the medical science of China, people who have a small chin, a genetic tendency memilki weakness in the kidneys and bladder. However, not everyone who has a small chin will experience kidney disease. Only, they should be careful because it has a tendency. The disease can also be prevented by changing to a healthier lifestyle to prevent the condition.
Right cheek
Right cheek associated with metal elements, which means that part berhubunagn with lung and colon tissue. Problems in these organs can come up with discoloration, blemishes, and skin problems on her right cheek. Gentle acne, eczema, or redness appears to indicate the occurrence of the flu. Lung or respiratory illness can trigger changes in the right cheek.
People who frequently experience respiratory allergies or asthma, tend to have the right cheek redness, eczema, scaly, rough, bluish green berwrana indicating excessive heat on the respiratory system or lack of oxygen. Those who experience these symptoms should be immediately dealt with appropriately.
Left Cheek
Left cheek associated with timber elements, or liver or gallbladder tissue.
Broken capillaries and redness in addition to nasal obstruction indicates hot or toxic to the liver. Vein swelling, redness, showed high blood pressure signals. Yellowish color under the left eye showed gallstones or high levels of trigleserit or cholesterol.
Problems in the face of the left cheek area also show emotions such as anger and depression due to liver and gall stones, including in the nervous system.
You should always pay attention to body symptoms, which may indicate an imbalance. By knowing these symptoms, you can find problems that you experienced and can do some more observations on other body parts like eyes, tongue, and nails.
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