Petra is one of the 7 new wonders of the world, located in Jordan. It can remind us just how advanced techniques and the development of human civilization past. Besides the other magnificent buildings in the world (ex: Giza pyramida, hanging garden, Pyramida mexico etc) are included in magnificent historic buildings. Petra pomp buildings, because the city was founded by chiseling stone walls. Petra comes from the Greek word meaning 'rock'. Petra is the symbol and protection techniques. Words kotanaya taken in buildings made of stones in the Wadi Araba, a bercadas in Jordan valley, the beauty of this city as founded by digging and carving the rocks as high as 40 meters.
Petra was the capital of Nabatean kingdom. Founded in 9 BC-40 AD by King Aretas IV as a city that is difficult to penetrate the enemy and secure from natural disasters such as sandstorms. Great is not?
Petra Nabatean tribes build irrigation systems are incredibly complex. There is a tunnel of water and water chambers that deliver clean water to the city, thus preventing a sudden flood. They also have hydraulic technology to lift water.
Inside the building petra There is also a theater (community hall / performance) which can accommodate 4,000 people. Today, the Palace Tomb Hellenistis who have still standing 42 meters high impressive there.
Nabatean city Tribe

Petra the lost Civillization
Have I mentioned above if this building is the city for the tribe Nabatian, a city located about 3-5 hours travel overland from Amman, Jordan, once the capital of Nabatean tribe, one family of Arab nations that lived before the entry of the Romans. Actually, the origin of Nabatean tribes not known for sure. They are known as nomadic tribe that traveled to various places with a herd of camels and sheep ..
As with most of society's belief that time, petra Society at the beginning was a pagan. Their main god is Dushara, who worshiped in the form of black stone and irregular-shaped. Dushara worshiped side by side with Allat, the goddess of the ancient Arabs.
Petra community is very adept at making underground water tank to collect clean water that can be used when they travel far. Thus, wherever they are, they can make excavation for water lines to meet their needs for clean water.
At the end of the 4th century BC, the development of world trade makes Nabatean tribe ventured to begin participating in world trade. World trade routes began to flourish in the southern part of Jordan and south of the Dead Sea. They then use their position of strategic housing as one of the world trade routes.
Nabatean tribe could eventually become a successful merchant, with the trade of incense, spices, and ivory, among others, came from Arab parts of southern and eastern India.
A strategic location to develop business and life, and secure to protect themselves from strangers that was the reason Nabatean tribes decided to settle in the area of the rock of Petra.
More advanced by this civilization that is the customs and excise levies are useful to maintain the prosperity that has been achieved, they collect customs duties and taxes to local traders or from outside the entrance to it. Nabatean tribes finally managed to create an international city a unique and unusual.
Petra initially built for defensive purposes. But lately, the city is crowded with tens of thousands of citizens that developed into a city located in the path of trade because the distribution of goods between Europe and the Middle East.
In the year 106 AD, the Romans annexed Petra, thus weakening the role of trade channels. Around the year 700 AD, hydraulic systems and several major buildings crumbled into rubble. Petra was gradually disappearing from the atlas of the earth at that time and the living legend.
It was only in 1812, Swiss adventurer Johann Burckhardt entered the city disguised as a Muslim. The legend of Petra was meruak back in modern times, is remembered as a symbol of engineering and defense.

Petra in Jordan, is the ancient site. Petra surrounded by mountains. Here there are mountains as high as 1350 meters above sea level. This is the highest region in this area called Mount Aaron (Jabal Harun) or Mount Hor or El-Barra.
Mount Aaron's most frequently visited by people. The visitors believe, at the peak of Jabal Harun this, the Prophet Aaron died and was buried by the Prophet Moses (Moshes)
Learn a little history
In the 14th century AD, a mosque built here with a white dome visible from many areas around Petra. Aaron arrived in Jordan today when accompanied Moses brought his people out of Egypt from the pursuit of King Pharaoh.
In the 1st century BC, the Kingdom of Nabataea a rich and strong, reaching the territory of Damascus in the north and south of the Dead Sea. At that time, Petra has been inhabited about 30 thousand inhabitants. In the great temple was built.
100's AD, the Romans once ruled this region. Architecture in Petra also influenced Roman architecture. In 600 AD the church was built Petra. The 7th century AD, Islam is present, and in the 14th century, the tomb of the Prophet Aaron at Jabal Harun became sacred places of Muslims, Jews and Christians apart. It is said that when he was 10 years old, the Prophet Muhammad never visited this mountain with his uncle. After cross war (crusade) in the 12th century, Petra had become 'lost city' for over 500 years (lost city). Only the local population (Bedouins) in the Arab region who knew him.
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