1. Agatha Christie (1890 - 1976) Just learning at home

Agatha Christie is a British writer who was known as the Master of the Mystery Novel or the Queen of Crime. Mystery genre novel is so famous throughout the world. He wrote an 80-novel. A total of 30 novels have been adapted into a movie.
Where he learned to be a writer so prolific? Apparently Agatha only to learn at home. Actually in her family, she had two brothers who happened to have the opportunity of formal school. As for Agatha, her mother chose to teach yourself at home. At the age of 8 years her daughter stepped on, the new mother brings home tutor.
When World War I seethed, Agatha worked as a nurse. At that time he was only a dozen.
Later he worked at the hospital pharmacy who inspired many stories about the poison in his novels in the future. Her first novel was born after her sister, Madge, give him a challenge, if he could write a novel. The challenge, he answered with his first novel entitled "The Mysterious Affair at Styles" (Mystery at Styles). From there he worked his way as a novelist.
2. Frederick Douglass (1818 - 1895): Slaves of Learning autodidact

Frederick is a slave from the United States, which banned school. Yet he never gave up to learn. He began by learning to read from a liberation movement activists slavery. He learned from whatever he could read.
To enrich their knowledge, Frederick always looking for opportunities to talk with people whose knowledge higher than himself. Proven effective learning, because once free as a slave he became a great writer, orator, and leader of the liberation movement slavery
3. Lawrence Ellison (66 years): Develop Oracle because it inspired a Paper

Lawrence (Larry) Ellison is the founder of Oracle, the company's second-largest software maker current world. As entrepreneurs in the field of information technology that most college drop-outs, Larry too. He came out of the University of Illinois in his second year in college. After that he built his career as an expert system data. He is interested founded Oracle in 1977 after the paper was inspired by the work of Edgar F. Codd of the database system entitled "The Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks."
4. Peter Jennings (1938 - 2005): Presenter Eminent Not Graduated High School

ABC News is well-known presenter actually not graduating from high school. Jennings began his career at the age of 9 years. At that time he became a radio announcer of children in Canada. Her father is also a radio broadcaster CBC and was on duty in foreign countries know his son became angry when a radio announcer in place to work. His father did not like nepotism. Activities to be broadcast ciliknya shortly. Peter is the concentration of school. But the school is not smooth. In fact he could not go up to grade 10. According to his testimony he was tired of studying at that time. His high school did not finish.
He actually wanted to be a broadcaster like his father. But it was not easy chance he could. He first worked in a bank and was active in local theater. New at the age of 21 years he could achieve his dream of becoming a radio announcer. After that his career continues to climb with a high spirit his autodidact until later became a journalist and a leading U.S. television broadcaster.
5. Anthony Robbins (50 years): Working While Learning from Leading Speakers

He just graduated from high school and began his career by promoting the seminar held Jim Rohn. At that time he was only 18 years. He makes use of closeness with Jim Rohn to learn 'happiness and life success. " No wonder if he did not hesitate to call Jim Rohn as his first mentor. At the age of 22 years, Anthony Robbins began studying Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) on an informal basis from its creator, John Grinder. After learning from other leaders also informally, Robbins finally able to develop the science of NLP into new science called Neuro-Associative Conditioning (NAC).
By learning that can be called autodidact (not in school or college), Robbins eventually become best-selling author and world-renowned motivator. He was speaking in front of more than 50 million people in more than 50 countries. Do not be surprised, from the financial side, from its original poor boy, Robbins was a speaker with high tariffs. In his career he had become one of the advisors (former) U.S. President Bill Clinton
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